If You’ve Been Laid Off, Here’s A 3-Step Self-Inquiry To Get Your Sanity Back And Focus On The Right Action.

Mounica Veggalam
2 min readNov 8, 2022

Don’t just apply to jobs frantically or wallow in self-pity — get back to objective decision-making.

Being subject to a layoff can be disempowering. If you’re feeling either of the below, you’re not addressing the core situation.

  • “Pff, it’s their loss.”
  • “Meh, whatever”
  • “How dare they do this to me!”

The right awareness, right mindset, and right action are important at this stage. Use this 3-step inquiry to get to a state of making empowered choices:

Step 1: What emotions am I feeling?

When you’re not able to think objectively, you need to name what you’re feeling. Avoiding the core issue is going to keep your energy dragged down.

Sit with this question — What specific thought loops am I stuck in?

Step 2: What’s my responsibility in this situation?

Blaming others (Elon Musk or The Economy) does not serve you. Blaming yourself (I must not be good enough) does not move you forward. Instead, take responsibility for yourself.

Use this as an opportunity to review what you really want.

Step 3: What can I create given this situation?

The answer for your next step often lies in what you’re most resistant to. Can you have more conversations? Can you use this opportunity to take a break?

Examine — What can I do, assuming there is no scarcity?

PS: If you want to dive deeper into this inquiry, check out the full article here.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Mounica Veggalam

Coach for emerging and experienced managers in tech.🖥️ I write about how learning to lead from the inside-out results in faster career growth.